tel: +48 516 143 540 |

Terms and Conditions

1. The Regulations apply to all persons staying on the premises of ONE Apartments at ul. Gąsiorowskich 4 Poznań.

2. The fee for the stay is collected from the Guest on arrival (in advance) – at the latest one hour from arrival.

3. The basis for checking in is the presentation of an ID card or passport and signing of a registration card.

4. The hotel day lasts from 14:00 to 10:00.

5. Persons not registered in the facility may stay on its premises from 14:00 to 22:00.

6. From 22:00 to 6:00 there is a curfew. The hotel may refuse to continue providing services to a person who violated this rule.

7. The hotel guest is financially responsible for any damage or destruction of the hotel equipment and technical devices arising from his fault or the fault of the people visiting him.

8. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the entire facility. In case of violation of this rule, guests will be charged the cost of refreshing the room: 1000 PLN.

9. Pets are not allowed in the hotel rooms. If prohibited: Breaking this point will result in a PLN 100 penalty for each day the animal is in the room.

10. Fire detectors are installed in each room and in the corridors. If a fire alarm is triggered, the Guest will be charged 1000 PLN.

11. Rooms are cleaned on check-out. If you do not want additional cleaning – please contact the day before to 16:00.

12. In an emergency, please call the property manager’s number: +48 516 143 540.

13. Renting a room is tantamount to acceptance of the above regulations.
